Tempo collisions


Tempo Clash 16/10 -10/16

19” x 27”
mixed media on paper



This series arose quite by accident. I originally created a 24-step chromatic color wheel for the sunspot paintings. The wheel, when inverted, would produce the same set of colors. (Another way of describing would be to say that if one were to combine the 24-step wheel with an inversion of itself, the result would be a uniform gray - as the two colors would uniformly cancel eachother out.) My plan was to create a sunspot pattern, invert that pattern and rotate it 180%. The result would be like a mandala - but where the yin/yang would be very complicated and intermixed. I created a palette that was three rows of eight. Out of curiosity, I started overlaying this palette upon itself, but I vertically stretched and condensed the array as I had with the Tempo Collision paintings. So, while there would always be eight horizontal sections, the vertical sections would vary. The result is a painting made of bands of colors that evokes a reductive landscape.


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